Ultimate Solution: How to Play Apple Music on PS4

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Play Apple Music on PS4

By Selena KomezUpdated on November 09, 2018

Summary: Is there a way to get Apple Music to Sony PS4? If you have the same question, you will get a solution here. While more and more people like to play games on PS4, Sony added a new feature for PS4 – allowing users to play music files on PS4 while playing games on it after transferring. This article is going to shows you how to sync Apple Music files to PS4 for playing freely.

As we know, PS4 is specially designed for playing games rather than enjoying music. However, considering to make users get better enjoyment while playing games, Sony added a new feature for PS4. That’s allowing users to play music files on a USB drive which connects one of the available ports on the PS4 and even play them while we are playing games as well. Your PS4 can even play unprotected local music files in MP3 or AAC (M4A) formats in the background while you play a game.

Why We Can’t Play Apple Music on PS4 Directly
The reason why Apple music will fail to play on PS4 is that it matters that Apple Music is not available for PS4 since Apple Music is DRM-protected. It means PS4 can’t play Apple Music songs directly. So how to stream Apple Music to PS4 for playing freely? Here, I’ll be showing you the most easy methods to stream Apple Music to PS4. The only way to sync Apple Music to PS4 for playing without limits is removing DRM from Apple Music files. Otherwise, there will be no way to get it work.

Remove DRM Protection from Apple Music for Syncing on PS4

Let’s start with a powerful Apple Music DRM Removal – Apple Music Converter. This is one of the best Apple Music converter tool I have found. This terrific software let’s you remove DRM from Apple Music, convert protected M4P Apple Music to normal MP3 or other common formats with 16X conversion speed and lossless quality, then you could freely sync and play back the converted music songs on PS4. More importantly, Apple Music Converter enables to play the converted music files on any compatible devices without limits after transferring, including PS4/PS3/PSP, Xbox One, Android device, iOS device, MP3 playing, and computer.

d_win d_mac

How to Stream Apple Music to PS4

Step 1. Open Apple Music Converter
iTunes will be opened along with this software and load all iTunes files after running the program on computer.Then you can see the main interface as below. From the “Playlist” section, you can open one that contains your Apple Music tracks and then choose the Apple Music you want to remove DRM from.

select music to convert

Step 2. Choose Output Format
The audio format supported by Sony PS4 are MP3 and AAC (M4A). You could choose either one from the output format list. You can also adjust the output quality as your requirement.

setting the parameter

Step 3. Start Apple Music Conversion
Finally, click on “Convert” button to start converting Apple Music to MP3 or M4A format. You can find the converted Apple Music files in your output folder after a few minutes.

remove DRM from Apple music

d_win d_mac

Step 4. Sync Apple Music to PS4 for Enjoying

1) Prepare a USB drive.

2) Create a folder called “Music” on the USB storage device on your computer. Then copy the converted Apple Music from your computer to this folder.

3) Reject the USB and connect it to a USB cable of PS4. Now you can see a “Media Player” icon in the Content Area. The music player icon will move to the right when a new application is started.

4) Then select the track you want to play, press “X“. That’s all.

More Apple Music Guides

How to Download and Listen to Apple Music Songs offline

How to Play Apple Music on iPod Nano and iPod Shuffle

How to Save Apple Music Songs to SD Card

How to Play Apple Music on MP3 Player

How to Copy Apple Music Songs and iTunes Playlist to USB Stick

How to Convert iTunes M4V Videos/Movies to MP4


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