AT&T and T-Mobile Consider Stopping All Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Sales after phones caught fire

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Stopping Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Sales

By Selena KomezUpdated on October 10, 2016

AT&T halting Samsung Galaxy Note 7 sales
Samsung Galaxy Note 7 cell phone battery overheating and explosion scandal, the Samsung company the exchange the new Note 7 as Note 7s,and now the incident is the second round of fermentation. As the new replacement mobile phone also has problems, all four US mobile operators issued a recall order, allowing the replacement again. In addition AT & T is considering the permanent sale of this phone.

samsung Galaxy Note 7 explosion

AT&T halting Samsung Galaxy Note 7 sales following multiple fires

Two of America’s largest wireless providers suspended their replacement programs for the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 this weekend following reports of “safe” replacement phones igniting. In separate statements, AT&T and T-Mobile announced on Sunday that they would continue to accept Note 7s to be exchanged but would only replace them with other devices.

Samsung Note 7s have been recalled after phones caught fire

AT & T, Verizon, T-Mobile and Sprint announced on Friday that if the user gets a new replacement phone for Note 7 and is concerned about a recurring problem, it can be sent back to the carrier , Replacing a completely different smart phone.

Just two days ago, a new US consumer, Note 7 to replace the phone, the United States Southwest Airlines flight, there has been overheating of the battery burning problem. At present, the US Consumer Product Safety Commission has replaced the phone again to investigate the issue.

A Verizon spokeswoman said all Verizon customers worried about the security of their new phones could take them back and replace one of the other phones.

Sprint said that the replacement of other mobile phone for a certain period of time, that is, the official investigation to replace the problem of mobile phone battery during the period, the user can replace any retail stores are selling models.

Prior to the battery-explosion scandal, Samsung Electronics sold 2.5 million Note 7 handsets worldwide, including one million in the United States, and the US government agencies have issued a formal recall order. But the outside world did not think that the replacement of the new phone will still be a problem.

On Friday, the US Consumer Product Safety Commission said that in the investigation of new cell phone battery failure has not made new progress.

AT&T Said to Consider Stopping All Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Sales

Repeated failures, but also to the US mobile operators battered. According to Bloomberg News, AT & T is considering whether to completely stop selling Samsung Note 7 phones, which means that if there are other Note 7 battery failure occurred, AT & T will not continue to replace Note 7 phone, but a unified replacement to Other models of mobile phones.

AT & T is expected to make a decision on whether to permanently Stopping Samsung Note 7 Sales

AT & T is one of the largest US telecom operators. US media pointed out that if AT & T permanently discontinued Note 7, will cause a domino effect in the US market, other operators will be a permanent moratorium on the phone, which means that Samsung Electronics will be forced to withdraw in the US market this problematic product.

This is the most serious history of Samsung’s smart phone failure and recall events, Samsung products to the image of a huge blow. Alleged that the failure of the problem is the Samsung lithium battery suppliers in the production process there have been a rare process problems, and the original supplier is also a Samsung Group of brothers.

The recall will give Samsung Electronics a billion dollars in economic losses.

According to media reports, Samsung Electronics may be released ahead of the Galaxy S8 high-end flagship phone to save Note 7 caused by the passive situation. In accordance with the practice in previous years, Samsung will be released in the spring S series flagship machine, and in the autumn release Note series flagship mobile phone, Note series is mainly for the fall of Apple’s new mobile phone market.

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