Category Archives: iOS Data Recovery

iOS 10 Public Beta Now Available

The beta version of Apple’s upcoming mobile operating system, iOS 10, is now available to the general public.iOS 10 BetaIf you’re thinking about trying it out before the final version is released this fall, you’ll have to sign up for Apple’s beta program, which will also provide Mac owners access to the public beta of macOS Sierra, also released today.


Though the developer preview is limited to those enrolled in the Apple Developer program, the iOS 10 beta is available to anyone with a compatible iOS device. Navigate to the beta website, log in with your Apple ID, accept the terms, and download a configuration file that will install iOS 10 on you gadget.


Be aware that beta software—even from Apple—means bugs and occasionally more serious headaches. If you have an older iPhone or iPod touch kicking around that you don’t use for day-to-day activities, consider using that instead of your main iPhone.

That said, there are some compelling reasons why you might want to get a head start on using iOS 10’s features, besides the ability to give Apple pre-release feedback.

iOS 10 BetaPerhaps the biggest change is to Apple’s Messages app, which gains the ability to send animations, invisible messages that only appear once tapped, and handwritten notes. There are also rich links for viewing videos and photos directly in the app, as well as emoji suggestions. Other notable app redesigns include a new Music app, which Apple is trying hard to position as an alternative to Spotify (something Spotify is understandably not too happy about).


For a more complete overview of new iOS 10 features, check out our recap of WWDC 2016. You’ll also want to browse 9to5Mac’s full list of the more than 50 new features available in iOS 10 beta 2, which is the version released for the public beta program today. Most of them are subtle, like a redesigned bounce effect when invoking Control Center, although Apple has also added a dedicated feedback app.

If you decide you want to switch back to iOS 9, you’ll first have to erase the beta software, then re-install the latest shipping version of iOS, and finally restore your device from an iTunes backup.

Read more:

How to Delete Built-In iOS Apps on iOS 10 Device

iPhone 7:Everything You Need to Know

iOS 9.3.3 :The Things You Need to Know

Apple Pay:Everything We Should Know

14 Things You Didn’t Know Your Apple Headphones Can Do

25 Hidden iPhone Features that are Really, Truly Hidden

You Can Delete Built-In iOS Apps on iOS Device

You Can Finally Delete Built-In iOS Apps, but Should You?With iOS 10, it’s possible to remove 23 pre-installed apps from your iPhone or iPad. Doing so frees up space, but also has some drawbacks.

Apple recently announced that iPhone and iaPad users can finally delete pre-installed Apple apps. That means you can get rid of superfluous apps you never use, such as Compass and Tips, perhaps. It’s as simple as pressing and holding an app icon until it jiggles, and then tapping the ‘x’ that appears on it, but it only works after you install iOS 10.

delete apple apps

iOS 10 is out now in beta release, although many people will likely wait until September or October for the final build before they get it. Either way, there are a few things to know before you chuck those apps.

Ditch the App, Lose App Access
Get Organized When you delete one of the pre-installed apps from your iPhone or iPad, you’ll lose it from the Home screen, the Notifications panel, and any connected devices and services you might use, such as CarPlay and Apple Watch. You also might delete data stored in it, unless that data is saved to a related cloud account.

What I mean by that is if you delete, say, the Music app, and you have purchased songs in the app through iTunes, you’ll still be able to access your music through iTunes. But the songs will be gone from your iOS device when you remove the app.

You can always reinstall apps that used to be on your phone at no cost. So, if you change your mind and want to reinstall an app, it’s just a matter of downloading it and tailoring it again to how you use it.

Which Apps Can You Delete?
Once you have iOS 10 installed onto your device, you can remove up to 23 apps that you couldn’t before. Some are fine to remove if you have never used or rarely used them. Others require a little more explanation about what will happen if you delete them before you decide to do it. The apps I recommend removing if you have never (or rarely) used them are:

-Find Friends

Beyond those, there are 10 more apps you might delete, but they require a little more knowledge and thought. They are: Calendar, Contacts, FaceTime, iCloud Drive, iTunes Store, Mail, Maps, News (this one is not yet available to delete in iOS 10 beta, but it will be in a later release), Videos, and Voice Memos.

You might be thinking, “Why would I delete my Contacts app?” It’s pretty scary to think about eliminating your entire address book. Well, it turns out that won’t happen. If you delete the Contacts app, all the phone numbers and other information contained in that app will still be accessible from the Phone app. In other words, the information in your Contacts app isn’t solely relegated to that app. It’s elsewhere, too.

There are other apps that might also have important information that won’t necessarily disappear for all time if you wipe the app from your phone. For example, if you use Calendar on a Mac and sync your calendar entries across devices, you can delete the app from your phone without losing the calendar appointments from your other devices. Just make sure all the data has synced properly before doing it.

FaceTime is an app I’ve used only once or twice…until my sister started using it. Because I want her and other friends and family members to be able to get in touch with me by whatever means is most convenient for them, I will keep FaceTime on my phone. Put another way, even though FaceTime isn’t my first choice in communication apps, it might be for other people, and that’s reason enough for me to keep it around.

Tip: If you also want to be sure people can reach you via FaceTime, make sure you can get calls on it when you are not connected to Wi-Fi by enabling 3G/4G/LTE data use. Go to Settings > Cellular and scroll down until you see FaceTime. Make sure the green button appears.)

How Much Space Can You Reclaim?
The amount of space you can reclaim by deleting pre-installed Apple apps varies, although Apple estimates it’s only about 150MB for all 23 apps. It’s a little misleading, though, because the amount of space changes dramatically based on the data is associated with each app.

Let’s say you used the Music app some time ago, but then switched to a streaming service, like Spotify. If you have old music still downloaded onto your phone, it will all be deleted when you remove the Music app, and that could free up a huge amount of space.

The Videos app is great example, too. This app stores movies and TV shows you’ve downloaded to watch, not videos you’ve shot. Maybe you downloaded a movie to watch on a flight long ago and never remembered to delete it. It could be taking up a huge amount of space without you even knowing it, because when you go poking around the iOS settings to manage your storage, the Videos app doesn’t even show up! You can only see how much space videos are taking up when you plug your phone into a computer and view the space in iTunes.

If you’re still short on storage, read How to Free Up Space on Your iPhone or iPad for more tips. And if you’ve reclaimed space and are looking for new apps, be sure to check out our lists of the best iPhone apps and iPad apps.

Read more:

News about iOS 10 Public Beta

iOS 9.3.3 :The Things You Need to Know

iPhone 7:Everything You Need to Know

Apple Pay:Everything We Should Know

14 Things You Didn’t Know Your Apple Headphones Can Do

25 Hidden iPhone Features that are Really, Truly Hidden

25 Hidden iPhone Features that are Really, Truly Hidden

How many times have you seen posts on tech sites about “hidden iPhone features” and thought to yourself, these tricks aren’t really hidden at all. We’ve even had a few articles here on BGR with tips that were indeed unknown to most users, but the savvy iOS device owners out there were undoubtedly familiar with at least a few of them.

Well, in this piece we’re going to tell you about 25 hidden features on iPhone that are really, truly hidden. As in, you could look through your iPhone from now until the end of time and you wouldn’t find any of these tricks unless you know what you’re looking for.


In the past, many of the hidden tips we’ve seen on sites and even covered here are simply things that are buried in the Settings app in places people normally wouldn’t look. These are great things to know — plenty of people would make their camera flash blink with incoming messages if they knew that they could, for example — but they’re not really “hidden” or “secret,” per se.

Each of the tips that follow below, however, are completely hidden. There is no indication that these functions exist in iOS, and we guarantee that most users don’t know about them. In fact, we also guarantee that even the savviest iPhone owners among you will find at least one or two things you didn’t already know. In fact, ran this list past a friend who works at Apple and there were a few things that even he didn’t know.


Redial: In the Phone app, press the green call button on the keypad screen to make the last dialed number appear.

Clear cache: Make your iPhone run faster by clearing out the cache in several of Apple’s apps using a secret trick. In the App Store, Podcasts, Music, Game Center, iMessage and Phone apps, tap on any single tab icon at the bottom of the screen 10 times in a row.

Make TouchID work faster: Save the same fingerprint multiple times as different entries and TouchID will work much faster. This is especially useful on older phones like the iPhone 6 and iPhone 5s.

Spotlight conversions: Remember when we told you how easy conversions are in our post on Google search tricks? It’s even easier for iPhone users — just open Spotlight and type something like “20 euros in GBP,” and it will instantly perform the conversion.

Spotlight math: Want to do a quick math problem? No need to open the Calculator app, just pull down to open Spotlight and type it right there.

Delete numbers in the Calculator: Speaking of the Calculator, you can delete single digits when you tap the wrong number by swiping left or right on the screen where the numbers appear.

Clear RAM to make your phone run faster: Hold down the power button until you see “Slide to power off,” then let go and hold down the home button until the screen goes blank and your home screen reappears.

Burst mode: Hold down the camera’s shutter button to shoot in burst mode.

Remote shutter: Use the volume up or down button on your headphones to snap a photo in the Camera app.

Turn the flashlight off: How many times have you turned your flashlight on and wished that you didn’t have to swipe open the Control Panel again to shut it off? We’ll save you a step: simply swipe up on the camera icon on your lock screen and the flashlight will turn off.

3D Touch while drawing: All of the drawing tools and the eraser are pressure sensitive in the Notes app.

Close multiple apps at once: Double-tap the home button to open the app switcher and you can use two, even three fingers to slide multiple apps closed with one swipe.

Recently closed tabs: Want to reread this article on your phone but you forgot what site you were reading it on in the first place? Simply tap and hold on the + symbol in Safari on the tab carousel view to open a screen that lists all of your recently closed tabs.

Desktop version of a site: We all know you can request the desktop version of a mobile site in Safari but it’s easier to do than you think. Just hold down the reload button in the URL bar.

Peek at tabs: Not sure you want to open that tab in the Safari tab carousel? A 3D Touch will let you Peek at it first.

Peek at bookmarks: Did you know you can use 3D Touch to Peek at bookmarks before you open them?

Edit reminders: 3D Touch an item in your Reminders app to edit the time or add a location.

View only unread emails: So you don’t practice “inbox zero” like I do but you only want to see unread emails in your inbox. Tap the Mailboxes link in the top right corner of the Mail app and then tap Edit. Tap the circle next to “Unread” and you’ll have a new folder that contains only your unread emails.

Save a draft with one swipe: In the Mail app, tap on the subject line and swipe down to the bottom of the screen to save a draft.

Quick Reply: When you get a notification at the top of the screen that you have a new iMessage or SMS, pull the notification downward to reply without leaving the screen you’re on.

Hidden level(s): Slide to the left in the Compass app open the level. Then place your phone flat with the screen facing away from the ground to reveal a bubble level.

Artist Peek: 3D Touch an artist in the Music app to Peek at their music.

Reenable Low Power Mode: When Low Power Mode automatically shuts off as you charge, you’ll get a notification on your lock screen that it has been disabled. Swipe left on that notification to turn it back on.

Find an iPhone’s owner: Did you find a lost iPhone in a bar? Simply ask Siri, “whose phone is this?” and it will show you so you can get in touch with him or her and return it.

Reachability: This is one of the new iPhones’ best features and there are still SO many people who don’t know about it. Double-touch (don’t tap, touch) on the home button and the entire screen will shift down so you can reach the top without shifting your grip.

Related Article:

14 Things You Didn’t Know Your Apple Headphones Can Do

Apple Pay:Everything We Should Know

iPhone 7:Everything You Need to Know

iOS 9.3.3 :The Things You Need to Know

14 Things You Didn’t Know Your Apple Headphones Can Do

Two days ago I accidentally stomped on the EarPods that came with my iPhone 6, shattering the left bud, and sending my morning commute into total disarray. I lamented. I yelled. I thought about calling in sick. A little dramatic? Maybe. But the loss wasn’t just about missing my morning podcasts.

You see, in typical Apple style, an intuitive remote control hides within the ubiquitous white headset that I unwittingly demolished — offering users so much more than the obvious headphone capability. Here are 14 things you might not realize your Apple EarPods can do, from sending unwanted calls straight to voicemail with one click (sorry mom), to effortlessly fast-forwarding to the best part of “Mambo No. 5.”

hidden features of iPhone headphone

1. Play/pause songs
How: Click center button

If you want to start playing the song you left off on—or to pause it midstream—simply click the center button to get the ball rolling (or stopping). In addition to songs, this (and the rest of the music-related tricks) will work with videos and podcasts, and applies to streaming services like Spotify as well as your iTunes library.

2. Skip to the next song
How: Double-click center button

To skip over the filler in your favorite albums, or to reach “Eye of The Tiger” and give your stamina a much needed boost at the tail end of your morning jog, a quick double click will do the trick.

3. Start a song over
How: Triple-click center button

If you just can’t listen to “Uptown Funk” enough times, you can triple click the center button to repeat the funk over, and over, and over again. Don’t believe me? Just click (thrice).

4. Fast-forward
How: Double-click, and hold (during a song/video)

Because sometimes, you just want to skip to the good part.

5. Rewind
How: Triple-click and hold (during a song/video)

Because sometimes, you just want to experience the good part all over again.

6. Take a picture
How: Click either volume button (with camera app open)

If you need to swiftly snap an incriminating photo of your best friend at 4 AM, but need to keep your hands steady, an ideal way to get shot you want, without your fingers messing up the action is by clicking the volume button, which is effectively a shutter when your camera is open.

7. Use it as a microphone
How: Um, just talk into it

Okay, so this might be the most “obvious” inclusion on this list, but you’d be surprised as to how many people don’t realize that little volume control is also an effective microphone (it has a lil’ microphone emblem, on the back you know). As someone who spends a lot of time on the phone for work inside an occasionally noisy open office, I can personally attest that this is the best way to clearly communicate over your phone or take down a voice memo.


8. Answer the phone
How: When getting an incoming call, click the center button once

Simple enough, but not having to take your phone out of your pocket when you get a call is surprisingly cool, though you can’t screen your calls with your phone in your pants…

9. Hang up the phone
How: Click the center button once (while on the phone)

If you want to end the call you’ve started (probably because you didn’t see who was calling, in the first place) just hit the center button again and get on with your life. If you are getting another call, and want to hang up on the one you are on, this works, too.

10. Hold one call, and switch to another line
How: Click center button once (while on the phone, and getting another call)

When your on the phone with your mistress, and then your other mistress calls, you can put her on hold and answer the other call, just by holding down the center button for a second. No one gets hung up on; everything is cool.

11. Hang up on someone on the other line
How: Click and hold down on center button for two seconds (while on the the phone, and getting another call)

If your mistress is calling, and you definitely don’t want to talk to her, just click and hold down the center button for two seconds, to send them packing.

12. Send an incoming call straight to voicemail
How: Hold down center button (while receiving an incoming call)

Nobody checks/cares about voicemail anymore. But if you just want to avoid someone, this is the best way to do it.

13. Talk to Siri
How: Press and hold center button (if you aren’t on the phone with anyone)

To get in front of Siri in the quickest way possible, just hit and hold down the center button till she pops up. Then, you can boss her around. Also, once you’ve already opened Siri up, you can hold your center button down again to ask her another question.

14. Use these tricks with your Mac and iPad
How: The same way you did everything on your iPhone!

With any modern Apple product (sorry “White Mac” users), you can use your EarPods to accomplish any of these shortcuts on your other devices along with controlling volume (duh). Who knew you could accomplish so much with just a finger and thumb?

Read more:

Apple Pay:Everything We Should Know

iPhone 7:Everything You Need to Know

iOS 9.3.3 :The Things You Need to Know

How to Factory Reset an Locked iPhone

Apple Pay:Everything We Should Know

Apple Pay now available in the US, UK, China, Canada, Singapore, Switzerland, France, Hong Kong, and Australia in participating retail stores and apps.

Apple Pay is Apple’s mobile payment service, which lets iPhone 6, 6s, 6 Plus, 6s Plus, SE, and Apple Watch owners make payments using NFC with their devices.

-NFC Integration.
-Touch ID for Security.
-Available in the U.S., UK, China, Australia, Canada, Switzerland, France, Hong Kong, and Singapore.
-Accepted at more than 2.5 million locations in the U.S..
-Supported by iPhone 6, 6s, 6 Plus, 6s Plus, and Apple Watch.


Setting Up Apple Pay
After installing iOS 8.1 or later, Apple Pay can be set up in the Wallet app (called Passbook in earlier versions of iOS). Tapping the “+” icon in Wallet lets users to add a credit or debit card to Apple Pay, either selecting a card already on file with iTunes or scanning one in with the camera.


Credit and debit cards are verified in just a few seconds, but some cards require a phone call, app download, or an email to verify a card before it can be added to Apple Pay. Once a card is verified, it is immediately available for purchases both in stores and within apps. Up to eight cards can be registered with Apple Pay at one time.

Apple Pay can be managed in the Settings app, located in the “Wallet and Apple Pay” section. Each card added to Wallet is listed in that section, along with information like billing address, email, and phone number. Tapping on a card offers specific information like last digits of the card number, last digits of the Device Account Number that replaces the card number in transactions, and it also provides contact information for the bank that issued the card.


Some cards are also able to display transaction information, offering a list of recent transactions that have been made.

How It Works
In a retail store, when approaching a point-of-sale system compatible with Apple Pay, the screen of the iPhone will light up and open Wallet automatically, where a user can tap on a credit card to be used or pay with the default card.

A payment is made by holding a compatible iPhone or Apple Watch near a checkout system that includes NFC, most of which look like standard card checkout terminals within stores. A finger registered with Touch ID must be kept on the home button for a short amount of time (or the Apple Watch must be kept on the wrist), after which a payment is authenticated and the transaction is completed. A completed payment is denoted by a slight vibration, a check mark on the screen, and a beep.

In some stores, users may still be asked for a PIN code or to sign for a purchase due to older point-of-sale machines, but in other retail locations, checking out with Apple Pay is an easy one-step process.

At times, Apple Pay may not be much more convenient than swiping a card, but it’s important to recognize that Apple Pay is still more secure than a traditional card-based transaction. With Apple Pay, a cashier does not see a credit card number, a name, an address, or any other personally identifying information. There is no need to take out a credit card or confirm the authenticity of a credit card with a driver’s license or ID card, because all of that information is stored on the iPhone and protected by several built-in security systems, including Touch ID.

Stores are also not given a credit card number (as card numbers are replaced with unique Device Account Numbers) so store security breaches involving leaked credit card numbers will no longer affect Apple Pay users.

Making a payment online via Apple Pay is equally as simple, as it uses the same credit card and authenticates with Touch ID in participating apps that have adopted the Apple Pay API. Using Apple Pay in an app bypasses all of the steps that are usually required when making an online purchase, including entering shipping and payment information.

After an item is added to an online cart and a user initiates the checkout process, Apple Pay can be selected as the payment method. The shipping/billing address associated with the credit or debit card on file is automatically entered, as is a user’s name, and the purchase is confirmed via Touch ID. During this process, information like shipping address can be altered, which is useful when ordering a gift.


In-store returns are almost as simple as payments. As described by Apple, when returning an item purchased via Apple Pay in an Apple Store, users can tap their Apple Pay-compatible iPhone against a payment terminal which displays their recent in-store transaction information.

Online and retail payments are both limited to participating merchants. Apple Pay is only available within apps that have adopted the Apple Pay API and to make a payment in a retail location, the shop will need to support Apple Pay directly or allow NFC payments.

Apple has been careful to point out the company does not store or monitor the transactions that people make with Apple Pay. Apple says it does not know what people are purchasing, nor does it save transaction information.

“We are not in the business of collecting your data,” said Eddy Cue during the keynote speech introducing Apple Pay. “Apple doesn’t know what you bought, where you bought it, or how much you paid. The transaction is between you, the merchant, and the bank.”

Upcoming Features and Partnerships

Beginning in late 2015, a select number of Starbucks stores will begin accepting Apple Pay. A wider launch will come in 2016, with Apple Pay support planned for approximately 7,500 corporate-owned stores.

Bank of America and Wells Fargo may begin accepting Apple Pay at their ATM locations in 2016.

In the future, Apple Pay may expand to allow person to person payments much like Square Cash or Venmo. In late 2015, The Wall Street Journal reported Apple is in talks with banks over a potential mobile-to-mobile payments service. Such a service could launch at some point in 2016.

Read more:

iPhone 7:Everything You Need to Know

iOS 9.3.3 :The Things You Need to Know

How to Factory Reset an Locked iPhone

How to Recover Data from iPhone/iPad with iOS 10

How to Recover Lost Data on iPhone 7

iPhone 7:Everything You Need to Know

The iPhone 7 is edging ever nearer and there’s already rumours flying around about Apple’s upcoming phone.

Most recent news: Looks like the iPhone 7 will be available to pre-order on September 9, and released on September 16. Head down to Section 7 for a possible glimpse of the fabled lightning-to-35mm adapter.


iPhone 7 cheat sheet:
September 9 pre-order, September 16 release date
Similar metal unibody design, antennas moved
Screen improvement
No headphone jack
It’ll have a slightly larger battery
No 16GB option
Dark Blue, and darker ‘Black’ option
Before we get started, we to guess what it’ll be called. Tradition is that after the iPhone 6S, the next iPhone will be called the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. Of course, Apple could switch things up, some rumours suggesting the larger iPhone will now be called the iPhone 7 Pro.

Maybe there will be three models, the iPhone 7 Mini, iPhone 7 Plus and iPhone 7 Pro?

1. The iPhone 7 release date is September 16
This one’s a no-brainer. Every iPhone going back to the iPhone 5 was released in September, so it doesn’t take a genius to work out that the iPhone 7 should present itself in September (but it WILL make me look foolish if that’s not the case).

According to a ‘reliable source’, Apple may be bringing the iPhone 7 out earlier than previous years, but this was likely relating to the smaller, cheaper iPhone SE.

It’s now pretty much confirmed that the iPhone 7 will ready for pre-order on September 9, and then fully released on September 16 . Add it to your diaries folks!

2. The iPhone 7 price will be the same as the current 6S
The cost of a new iPhone generally follows the same convention every new model. If that’s the case this year, the iPhone 7 will cost around the same as the current iPhone 6S (and the iPhone 6S will get a £80/$100 price decrease).

Following that logic, the iPhone 7 will cost around £539/$649 for the cheapest option with the least memory. And range up to £699/$849 for the top spec model.

3. iPhone 7 will have iOS 10
Previous new iPhones have shipped with brand new versions of iOS, the iPhone 7 will come running iOS 10 (we’re currently on iOS 9.3).

We heard more about the new version of Apple’s mobile OS at Apple’s developer conference WWDC in June so check out our full feature rundown: iOS 10: the new Apple iPhone features set to slay Android come September

4. The rear case will be sleeker
Whereas the iPhone 6S looked a lot like the iPhone 6, the iPhone 7 should be sporting a new design. Exactly how different is difficult to imagine, however, as the iPhone 6 seems like peak Apple design.

Early rumours suggested Apple will ditch the camera bump and antenna lines. This will make the rear casing completely smooth and uninterrupted. That makes complete sense in our eyes.

But as we get closer to the launch, and more leaks around the phone design appear, it looks like the redesign won’t be too drastic at all. Take a look at this supposed image of the iPhone 7:

It certainly lacks imagination. The key difference here is that the antenna lines have moved. While this probably isn’t a real iPhone 7 out in the wild, it certainly mirrors most of the rumours and leaks coming from Cupertino.

Elsewhere, it seems Apple could lose a few pounds thanks to a new slimmer LCD panel. What’s more, Apple is said to be shrinking some of the internal components to make more room for a larger battery.

Meanwhile, the leaks we’ve seen so far can’t agree on whether the iPhone 7 is going to be waterproof or not – some say yes, some say no. Sounds like this one could go either way at the moment.

Maybe it’s RIP for the iconic home button? A new supply chain link suggests the iPhone 7 will have a capacitive button which also has 3D Touch. This was first rumoured back in June 2015 when it was reported that Apple was developing a touchscreen with an integrated fingerprint sensor. Take this with a pinch of salt, though, there’s not much evidence out there yet.

It seems there will be some new colour options as well! Introducing the sexy new black and blue models:


While these are renders from Martin Hajek, we think they look great, and can’t decide which we prefer!

5. The iPhone 7 screen will be sharper with no bezel
Most of Apple’s rivals have a QHD or 4K display whereas the iPhone 6S doesn’t even have a 1080p HD screen, so a bump in resolution for the iPhone 7 would make sense.

This rumour comes from a supply chain source speaking to DigiTimes, who suggests that Apple will make a jump back to glass-on-glass screens. This would allow a boost in resolution, and the ability to have a bezel-less display. iPhone 7 Edge, anyone?

That streamlined bezel could lead to Apple ditching the ‘clicky’ home button in favour of a capacitive touch button instead. This would result in fewer parts which could break, and take up less physical space. Sounds like a no-brainer to us.

6. Did someone say hexacore? and that the iPhone 7 battery will be bigger?
Every iPhone comes with a speed boost, and we can’t see that changing with the iPhone 7. There have been rumours on Weibo that the next iPhone will come packing the hexacore A10 chip (up from the dual-core processor in the 6S).

Whether those turn out to be the exact details, who knows… But it will be faster than the current model, that’s for sure.

We can also expect to see 2GB RAM, but that’s it for internal specs – there’s not much else nailed down yet.

Images of the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus’s batteries have surfaced on Chinese social network Weibo. The codes on the cells indicate the iPhone 7 will have a 1735 mAh capacity, and the iPhone 7 Plus will have a 2810 mAh capacity. That’s up, very slightly, from the iPhone 6S which contains a 1715mAh battery, and the iPhone 6S Plus holds a 2750mAh battery.

While Apple is refreshing the internals, it seems they may get rid of that useless 16GB storage option from the range. This rumour comes from Chinese social media, and suggests that 32GB will be the new minimum.

7.There won’t be an iPhone 7 headphone jack
Some reports suggest the iPhone 7 will be the thinnest device Apple has ever made, and that involves ditching the bulky 3.5mm headphone jack.

iPhone 7 headphone jack

Now, that means there are three options for listening to music:

1. You’d have to buy Bluetooth headphones, which would annoy a lot of people
2. Apple will include a pair of lightning connector headphones with the iPhone 7
3. Apple will include a lightning to 35mm adapter with the iPhone (pictured above)

Does Apple think the consumer is ready for the jump to Bluetooth or Lightning? It’s certainly a bold move, but the plus side is you might get a second speaker out of it for better audio.

Other rumours suggest Apple may opt to include a smaller, 2mm headphone jack, which Apple has a patent for – and which would then require you to use an adapter, or buy new headphones… which is even more of a pain.

The iPhone 7 could also go without a charging port! Logitech has just let slip that smart connector in place on the iPad Pro models usually used for keyboard cases, can also transfer power. Seems unlikely this will feature here, but there is one reason this could pop up. If there was no headphone jack, Apple would HAVE to include a lightning cable adapter in the box. But then users should have to occasionally choose between charging and listening to music. The would be a slightly over-complicated way to solve that problem.

Are these the new standard iPhone-bundled headphones?


Probably not. The ear buds and in-line remote look genuine, but the lightning connector looks as fake a Gucci handbag sold on the street for £20.

8. You’ll be able to charge iPhone 7 wirelessly
Apple is apparently testing a prototype with wireless charging, a rumour that comes straight from Chinese social network Weibo.

But that’s not the only model Apple is testing. Other prototypes include multi-Force Touch, a fingerprint scanner in the screen, and USB-C connector. No one knows which of these will make it to the market… if any.

The wireless charging is certainly the most likely, even if it’s not true wireless charging like the S7 has. Logitech let slip there might be an iPhone model which includes a smart connector similar to the iPad Pro. This would allow charging through it, possibly.

9. Could iPhone 7 have a dual camera?
Trusted analyst Ming-Chi Kuo at KGI Securities believes the larger iPhone 7 Plus (or iPhone 7 Pro) may have a dual camera setup. And while that’s just speculation, we can certainly see it happening.

Apple tends to keep camera components for a long time, so expect the same 12MP camera module carried over from the iPhone 6S.

It seems very likely that the camera will be improved in some way, so maybe optical image stabilisation will be standard across the range?

Leaks from the supply chain seem to back up that rumour that the iPhone 7 Pro will have a dual camera, and a sizable camera bump.

10. People will start queuing in July
This one’s a guess. In 2014, we saw a Japanese blogger start queuing in February for the iPhone 6, but anticipation for the 6S was somewhat less extreme.

Considering the iPhone 7 is a major update, people could get really excited… we’ll see. Care to hazard a guess?

Read more:

iOS 9.3.3 :The Things You Need to Know

How to fix Bug on iPhone/iPad after iOS 10 Upgrade

How to Transfer Samsung Data to iPhone 7

How to Transfer Android Data to iPhone 7

How to Backup and Restore Files on iPhone 7

iOS 9.3.3 :The Things You Need to Know

In May,just a few weeks after iOS 9.3.1 arrived, Apple replaced it with a new iOS 9.3.2 update for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch models.Apple’s finally pulled the iOS 9.3.3 update out of the beta and released it to iPhone 6s users around the world.


Apple has released iOS 9.3.3 on July 18 and iOS 9.3.2 or previous users currently can grab the new software over the air or download it from iTunes. The new iOS 9.3.3 fixes a handful of minor bugs and brings security enhancements. Unfortunately, some users reported that they are having problems with Apple Music, Bluetooth and battery life after updating to iOS 9.3.3.

To help you upgrade to new iOS 9.3.3 and enjoy with new features brought by the new iOS, here in this article show you the currently most common things about iOS 9.3.3.Hope it is helpful to you.

Part 1:What’s iOS 9.3.3 Included

Apple iOS 9.3.3 Is Now Available: What is Included in the Update?

The major features that were added to iOS 9.3 back in March included Night Shift, Touch ID support for Notes, additional News app personalization, new Health app categories, enhancements to the Music app on CarPlay and new Education apps.


iOS 9.3.3 primarily contains bug fixes, security enhancements and under-the-hood improvements rather than new features. Apple did not specify the bug fixes in the software update change-log. However, Apple did publish a security content document in regards to iOS 9.3.3.

Apple is expected to release iOS 10 along with the new line of iPhones in September or October. iOS 10 will include many innovative features, including a new user experience on the lock screen, additional Siri functionalities, contextual response options in the QuickType keyboard, a new Memories feature within the Photos app, a redesigned Maps application with third-party development extensions, an Apple Music and News app redesign, a new Home app and an iMessage app store.

You can download iOS 9.3.3 from Settings > General > Software Update. Or you can update the software by connecting your device to iTunes.

Part 2:The Common Problems of iOS 9.3.3

iOS 9.3.3 Problems:5 Things You Need to Know

iOS 9.3.3 is a small update for iOS 9 users with a short list of bug fixes and patches for problems and exploits. It’s much bigger (thanks to iOS 9.3, iOS 9.3.1 and iOS 9.3.2) if you’re coming from iOS 9.2.1 or older.


Some of the bugs that have been fixed were reported on the Apple Support forums. A bug that appears to be fixed in iOS 9.3.3 is the removal of a blank space where the Beats 1 logo should be displayed in the Music app for users that noticed it was missing in the previous version of iOS. There also appears to be a fix that caused firmware images to become corrupted while using Apple Configurator. Unfortunately, some users reported that they are having problems with Apple Music, Bluetooth and battery life following the software update.

While the iOS 9.3.3 is working fine for some users, others are already running into trouble after downloading and installing the new update.The iOS 9.3.3 update has been out for a week now and we continue to see complaints about iOS 9.3.3 problems on the iPhone and iPad.

iOS 9.3.3 users are complaining about issues with Bluetooth, battery life, random reboots (we’ve seen one on the iPhone 6s), Wi-Fi, problems with Apple Music, issues with Touch ID, problems syncing photo albums, installation issues, and more.

Read more:

How to fix Bug on iPhone/iPad after iOS 10 Upgrade

How to Restore iPhone System to Normal

How to free Up Space on iPhone/iPad/iPod

How to Optimize Slow iPhone For Best Performance

How to Recover iPhone/iPad/iPod Data After iOS 9.3 Upgrade

How to Backup and Restore iPhone/iPad Files after iOS 10 Upgrade

Top 5 Best iPhone Data Recovery Software Review

In this post we will recommend you top best 5 iPhone data recovery software to recover lost or deleted data from iPhone 14/13/12 and more models, we’ll give some professional objective and review on them, then you can take the best one suit for you, and get back iPhone data with ease.

Many unexpected situations may lead to lost data on your iPhone, such as accidental deletion, restore to factory resetting, formatting, iOS upgrade, iOS jailbreak, or iOS system crash(broken/water damaged), attacked by virus, etc,. In order to prevent such circumstances from occurring, you need to recover data to save yourself in trouble. iPhone data recovery program is a good choice to retrieve all lost data.

Here you can focus on the top 5 best iPhone data recovery that are popular around the world, which are famous as well as professional review on them.

5 Best iPhone Data Recovery Software in 2016

Top 5 iPhone/iPad Data Recovery Software Reviews

Top 1:U.Fone iPhone Data Recovery Review


U.Fone iOS Data Recovery, which is designed to recover lost files from iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. In addition, the iOS System Recovery feature in U.Fone iOS Toolkit helps user fix various iOS issues and get your iPhone/iPad/iPod back to normal state. This desktop data recovery applicable to Windows and Mac OS at the same time, support to recover files from iCloud/iTunes backup, as well as directly recover data from iOS devices without backup. A total of 19 different types of files can be restored by U.Fone iOS Data Recovery, such as contacts,call history,text messages,memos,safari history,notes,photos,music,videos,playlists,and many other types of files,and even the files have been deleted long past ago.If you lost files from iOS device due to iOS update,iOS jailbreak,deleted by mistaken or in any other cases, U.Fone iOS Data Recovery must do a great help for you to finish the data recovery.

Main Features:
featuresSupport to backup and restore 19 types of data from iPhone/iPad/iPod touch;
featuresDirectly recover and export 8 types of data from iOS devices;
featuresExtract data from iTunes/iCloud backup;
featuresHighly support to iOS 16/17 and the latest iPhone 14/13;
featuresEfficient,powerful,fashionable and easy to use.

Free Download FoneLab iOS Data & System Recovery and have a try!

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System Requirements:
Supported OS:Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP (SP2 or later)
Supported OS:Mac OS X 10.5 or above (Mac OS X 10.11 Capitan)

Test & Review:
Report to our test, U.Fone iOS Data Recovery provide only a few mouse clicks for iOS devices to finish the data recovery fast and simply.It is an useful and smart application to have.Once the program is launched,you will see a well-designed and easy-to-navigate interface for using.The progtam recovery characteristics are listed on the left,the icon is clean to understand.As long as you install this program you will be prompted to download and run the latest version of iTunes if you have not installed it.All the job is ready,you will be prompted with an USB cable to connect your iOS device to computer.Here,we tested the full version of U.Fone iPhone data recovery.

I delete the contacts, messages, pictures and call history from my iPhone,and it is connected directly to the computer.Then the program starts scanning the iPhone in minutes,after the scanning is completed,the program allow me to recover all deleted files,messages and Contacts,call history,and even search out the data that I deleted a long time ago from iPhone.I am allow to easily select the type of file which I need to recover from the checkbox.

All in all, U.Fone iOS Data Recovery is clean, efficient and easy to use. Allow you restore deleted data from iOS device directly,and restore data from iCloud/iTunes backup. However,it’s not a free iOS data recovery. But it’s well worth the price when you try it.

Top 1 iPhone Data Recovery - U.Fone iPhone Data Recovery

Pros & Cons:
+ Clean interface;
+ Work well for the newest iPhone 14/13 and iOS 17/16;
+ Super fast speed of data Scanning and recovery;
+ It’s cheaper than other data recovery program.

– The main feature can’t be use in the trial version.

Top 2:Dr.Fone Data Recovery Review

Dr.Fone iOS ToolkitiOS Data Recovery,which is your perfect choice to recover iPhone data with easy steps after losing data due to accidental deletion,restore to factory resetting,formatting,iOS upgrade, iOS jailbreak,or iOS system crash(broken/water damaged).It’s such a trustable data recovery to restore data on iPhone.All recoverable data including contacts,photos,videos,SMS,WhatsApp messages,notes,call logs and more data.According to user feedback,this Wondershare Dr.Fone for iOS is both effective and easy to use,worth you to have a try.Not only iPhone 14, iPhone 13, iPhone 12 and more iPhone models,but also iPad Air,iPad Pro,iPad Mini,etc are supported by this superior data recovery.

Main Features:
featuresRecover data on iOS device including the lost/deleted data,as well as the existing data.
featuresCompatible with all iOS device:iPhone 14/13/12,iPad 4/3/2,the new iPad Pro,iPad Air,iPa Mini,iPod touch,etc,;
featuresDirectly recover 15 kinds of lost/deleted data from iOS device:Contacts,Messages,Photos, Videos, Camera -Roll, Photo Library, Message Attachments, Call History and more;
featuresRecover 11 kinds of data by extracting iTunes/iCloud backup;
featuresEnable to restore data under any circumstances:accidental deletion,restore to factory resetting,formatting,iOS upgrade, iOS jailbreak,or iOS system crash(broken/water damaged),attacked by virus and so on;
featuresHighly support to iOS 17/16 and the latest iPhone 14;
featuresFix iOS to normal;backup & restore WhatsApp history;iOS data backup & export(New Features);
featuresAllow to check&preview lost data for free;
features100% safe guarantee.

Free download the Dr.Fone iPhone Data Recovery and have a try:

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System Requirements:
Supported OS: Windows 10, Windows 9, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP (SP2 or later)
Supported OS: Mac OS X 10.5 or above (Mac OS X 10.11 Capitan)

Test & Review:
Review in our test,the excellent Dr.Fone iPhone Data Recovery making it easy for users to restore iPhone files no matter if it have backup files or not,support to get back data on device before previewing the lost data clearly.It works well for all iOS version,insist of iOS 17/16.It’s both effective and safe to use.This program helps you restore data on iOS device and protect personal data by avoiding data overwriting.

What’s more,the newly feature “iOS System Recovery” really do a great help to fix iPhone to abnormal mode and return iPhone to normal state as usual smoothly.Fix with various iOS system issues like recovery mode, white Apple logo, black screen, looping on start, etc.To sum up,the multifunctional Wondershare Dr.Fone for iOS is such a synthesized and useful data recovery tool as the perfect partner in daily life.

best iPhone data recovery

Pros & Cons:
+Check & preview data for free;
+Download and view iCloud backup file for free;
+Read iTunes backup file for free;
+One click to preview & export data;
+Recover up to 15 file types;
+Selectively recover what you want;
+Work greatly with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

-Not all files can be previewed before recovery.

Top 3:iMyFone iPhone Data Recovery Review

iMyFone iPhone Data Recovery is an all in one application for recovering data on iPhone due to system failures,iOS upgrade,iOS jailbreak,security attacks, stuck in recovery mode/white Apple Logo/black screen, iTunes screen, white Apple screen of death, as well as physical damage on phone.If you accidentally deleted data from iPhone,the program will do its job.With this application you will be able to recover various of data from iPhone,such as contacts,Wechat messages, Kiki messages, WhatsApp conversation history,photos,videos, text messages,call history,safari bookmarks,voice messages,notes,calendars,voice memos and document.

Main Features:
featuresHelp to retrieve 12 types of file;
featuresRestore files by deep scanning;
featuresRestore data from iTunes backup;
featuresPreview data before recovery;
featuresFast and easy to use.

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Tips:After you purchasing it,the registration code and download link will be sent to you automatically within minutes,and we support free technical support service;free update in guarantee.

System Requirements:
Supported OS: Window 10,8.1,8,7,Vista,XP
Supported OS: Mac OS X 10.11, 10.10, 10.9, 10.8, 10.7, 10.6 (32-bit & 64-bit)

Test & Review:
iPhone Data Recovery as a professional data recovery tool which allow to scan iPhone in-depth and find as many files as possible for you.You are allow to preview the data before recovery.The data recovery program enable to recover up to 12 kinds of file:photos,call history, notes, safari bookmarks, messages, contacts, calendar, reminders,and more.It don’t need to any professional skill of data recovery for users.Only one click you can get back all iPhone data with the help of this tool.

Top 5 iPhone Data Recovery - iMyfone iPhone data recovery

Pros & Cons:
+ Free version is supply;
+ The interface is easy to use;
+ Selectively recover data;
+ Able to scan and restore different types of iPhone file.

– The process of device scanning may cost you some time.

Top 4:Leawo iOS Data Recovery Review


Leawo iOS Data Recovery is a program that you can use it to restore lost or deleted files from iOS devices.Here,we list the main features of Leawo iOS Data Recovery.It work for both Mac and PC, allow you restore files from iTunes backup,as well as recover from iOS devices.In conclusion,Leawo iOS Data Recovery enable to recover data of 22 different types from iOS device,including contacts, call log, SMS, notes, reminders, safari history, photos, music, video, playlists, and so on.It is available to recover data on iOS device.You are allow to recover several data from your iOS device and transfer them to your computer with this Leawo iPhone/iPad/iPod Data Recovery program.

Main Features:
featuresFocuses on analyzing and recovering the main 22 types of iOS data;
featuresRecover data via 3 safe and reliable ways;
featuresExtracts photos and voicemails from iTunes backup,even it’s encrypted;
featuresTransfer messages and call history to HTML format or easily copies them to the clipboard;
featuresExports music,movies,Skype chat history and books to the computer even when you can’t access your device;
featuresFully support to recover data from iPhone 6(Plus) and iOS 10.

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Tips:After you purchasing it,the registration code and download link will be sent to you automatically within minutes,and we support free technical support service;free update in guarantee.

System Requirements:
Windows OS:Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP, both 32bit and 64bit
Mac OS:Mac OS 10.11, 10.10, 10.9, 10.8

Test & Review:
Reflect the feedback of Leawo iOS Data Recovery,this program support to recover a variety of files on iOS device,it has definitely the main features.Whether it is photos,SMS,Safari history, ,call logs,or other types of data,you are allow to easily find them (even if they have been deleted a long time ago).The simple interface is also beneficial to the whole process,in particular for explaining the function and clearly for all existing possibilities for data recovery,both on the iOS device or iTunes.Although it is completely in English,it is not difficult to use thanks to the icon organization iPhone data recovery.In addition,this program is totally compatible with Windows or Mac(It’s an useful features for the people who only own the iPhone as an Apple product).If you are willing to cost money for this program,it is expected to be high returns.

Top 5 iPhone Data Recovery - leawo iphone data recovery

Pros & Cons:
+ Clearly Interface;
+ The guide with steps by steps makes it easy-to-use;
+ Work well with Windows and Mac;
+ Restore various types of documents.

– It’s will take you a little long time to spend on deep scanning data process.

Top 5:Tipard iOS Data Recovery Review

If you can not suffer from the situation that lost your iPhone files,this application may do a great help for you:it promises to restore all data from iPhone due to accidentally deleted.There are 19 types of documents are supported to be recovered,including photos, contacts, iTunes songs, text messages, calendar history, browser favorites, and so on.Install this program,the steps you need to do it is:firstly connect iPhone/iPad/iPod with computer and run data recovery.Then it will show all the data allow to be rescued,the last but not least,you should select and restore the selected data on device which offers a preview of images.

Main Features:
featuresSupported iOS devices:iPhone 6S/6/5S/5C/5/4S,iPad 4/3/2/Air,iPad mini/mini 2 and iPod touch 5;etc,.
featuresRetrieve and extract iTunes backup files with the formats allow to select;
featuresPreview data before recovering.

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Tips:After you purchase,the registration code and download link will be sent to you automatically within minutes,and we support free technical support service;free update in guarantee.

System Requirements:
Supported OS: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP (SP2 or later)
Supported OS: Mac OS X 10.5 or above (Mac OS X 10.11 Capitan)

Test & Review:
Tipard iOS Data Recovery is really an interesting data recovery for iPhone/iPad/iPod files.It can only select certain types of files to restore,is a very simple data recovery.If you’ve ever used it on PC,for example,you won’t have any trouble with doing the same to find the items on iPhone.All you need to do is connect your device and start the recovery process.No advanced configuration,it will automatically complete all the procedures,you do not need to have any great knowledge on the subject.It is only important to emphasize that the effect is best among several data recovery tool if you don’t take a long time:as soon as you realize the error,install applications,run it and do a sweep.The scanning may take some time,but it does not slow down the PC.So,you can keep using this program normally till the application finds your iPhone,iTunes and iCloud files.

Top 5 iPhone Data Recovery - Tipard iPhone Data Recovery

Pros & Cons:
+ Restore iPhone files;
+ User-friendly;
+ Support to recover several types of files.

– Many important features of program can’t be used in free trial version.

What Can iOS Data Recovery Software Do For You?

1. Recover Deleted Contacts from iPhone

Lost or deleted contacts on your iPhone 14/13/12/11?You still have chance to get those missing contacts,phone numbers back from iPhone devices directly,or restore iPhone contacts from iTunes,iCloud backup files.

2. Recover Lost Data from Jailbroken iPhone iPad

If you failure jailbreak your ios devices and cuase data loss,the iOS Data Recovery provies you 3 safe ways to recover lost iPhone data after jailbreaking? iOS Data Recovery is capable of restoring data on jailbreakn iPhone.

3. Restore Data from Water Damaged iPhone

Once your iPhone was dropped into the water by accidentally,how can you get data back from a water damaged iPhone?If your iPhone was broken or wanter damaged,all iOS Data Recovery above can help you restore iPhone data from iTunes or iCloud,if you have sync them to iTunes/iCloud before.

Related Articles:

How to Recover Lost Data After iPadOS 17/iPadOS 16 Update

How to Recover Lost Contacts, SMS and Notes from iPhone 13

[Fixed] iPhone Photos Disappeared after iOS 17 Update

How to Recover Lost Data After iOS 17 Update

Recover Lost and Deleted Data after iOS 16 Update/Upgrade

How to Backup and Restore Data on iPhone 14/14 Plus/14 Pro/14 Pro Max

iOS Data Recovery for Mac:Restore Deleted Data on iPhone/iPad in iOS 10

iOS 10 is coming on the way,before the public announce of iOS 10,there are a lots of rumor on the Internet which is about the description of its new features.What the functions attractive you most?The 3D touch?The newly added emoji?Or the updated Apple play?

With iOS 10 beta in the wild, literally anyone can install the iOS 10 beta on their iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch right now with little effort.All you need to do is download the iOS 10 beta IPSW file or get the beta profile to download it through an OTA update,there are no checks or requirements beyond that.Essentially this means if you’re an Apple dev or not,or have a friend in the developer program,or just have some access to the appropriate files,it’s that easy to install the beta right away on any device that supports iOS 10.

But just because anyone can technically install iOS 10 beta right now,that doesn’t mean they should.We’ll just go ahead and state the obvious;the vast majority of people should not run an iOS 10 beta build.The current iOS 10 beta is intended for developers only,it is an early beta,and it is buggy,some users reported to us that they encounter the circumstances that data will be deleted on iPhone/iPad after upgrading to iOS 10,then ask for helping of recovering deleted data from device with iOS 10 on Mac.

iOS Data Recovery for Mac:Support to recover deleted data from iPhone/iPad with iOS 10 on Mac,iOS deleted,formatted and lost data can be efficiently retrieved by this powerful data recovery.Documents,images,videos,contacts,call logs,document and more data can be completely done.Besides,iOS Data Recovery empower to restore data from iOS device due to iOS 9 upgrade/jailbreak,iOS 10 jailbreak.Supported devices:iPhone 7;iPhone SE;iPhone 6S/6S Plus; iPhone 6/6 Plus;iPhone 5S/5;iPhone 5C;iPad Pro 12.9-inch;iPad Pro 9.7-inch;iPod touch 6th generation;iPad Air 2; iPad Air; iPad 4th generation;iPad mini 4; iPad mini 3;iPad mini 2,etc,.

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Part 1:Directly Restore Deleted Data from iPhone after iOS 10 Update on Mac

Step 1.Connect your iPhone/iPad with Computer
Run iOS 10 Data Recovery for Mac on your Mac,connect iPhone/iPad with computer.Select “Recover from iOS Device”option in the homepage of program.

connect iphone with computer

Choose the file types to begin scanning and ready for recovery in the next step.Click “Start Scan” button,then the program will accordingly start scanning your device.

select file to recover

Click “Scan” to search for your deleted data,then the program begins scanning your device automatically fordeleted data.

scan iphone and search deleted data

The program will scan all lost/deleted or existing data on your iDevice with iOS 10.It takes a little while.

Step 2.Preview and Recover Data from Device on Mac
Check the scanned content and restore the item you need to your computer or device by clicking “Recover” button.You can select to restore the selected data to your device or to the Mac.

directly recover deleted data from iphone

d_win d_mac

Part 2:Restore iPhone Deleted Data with iTunes Backup after iOS 10 Update on Mac

Step 1.Scan the iTunes backup File
If you have synced different iOS devices with iTunes before,more than one backup files will be displayed on Mac after you click “Recover from iTunes Backup File”mode of iOS 10 Data Recovery.Just choose the one for your device and click “Scan” after select the recovery file types for scanning.

extract backup file from itunes

Step 2.Preview and Recover Data from Device with iOS 10
It only take you a few seconds to scan.All contents from the backup file including contacts,messages,call history,notes,photos and videos will be displayed in detail.Tick items on the checkbox of backup file,then all contents will show up,just choose those data you would like to recover,and click “Recover” button.

recover deleted text messages from itunes

d_win d_mac

Part 3:Restore iPhone Deleted Data with iCloud Backup after iOS 10 Update on Mac

Step 1.Sign in iCloud
After you click “Recover from iTunes Backup File” of the primary page of program,you will be prompted to sign in to Cloud.Please sign in iCloud.

sign in icloud account to login

Step 2.Select the Files you Want to Recover from iCloud
The program can help you selectively recover the data from iCloud backups,including photos, App photos, videos, notes, contacts, SMS, iMessages and more,please select the file types you need.

select the file types

Step 3.Scan iCloud Backup File
Similarly if you have synced different iDevices with iCloud previous,more than one backup files will show up after you sign in iCloud.Just choose the one for your device and click “Download” button.

download icloud file

Step 4.Preview and Recover Deleted Data from iCloud Backup
In this step,you can preview files from the extract backup.All data found in the iCloud backup can be restored.It enables you to select the data you would like to restore to iOS device or Mac.

recover iphone sms from icloud

You will get two options after you choose to recover the data,recover to computer or recover to device.Currently,iOS 10 Data Recovery can only support recovering notes and contacts back to device,we will continue to support more file types.

d_win d_mac

Read more:

How to Restore iPhone Lost Files after iOS 10 Update on Mac

How to Recover Data from iPhone/iPad with iOS 10

How to Restore Deleted iMessages on iPhone/iPad in iOS 10

How to Safely Backup iPhone/iPad before Upgrading to iOS 10

How to Restore iPhone Lost Photos after iOS 10 Jailbreak

“I had a friend jailbreak iOS 10 on my iPhone 6S.When finished,I found all pictures stored on my iPhone were losing. How can I restore jailbroken iPhone 6S lost files?Is it possible to recover data from a jailbroken iOS 10 devices?Thank you so mush.”-Fiona

IOS 10 jailbreak release date: iOS already jailbroken ahead of public release
Apple hasn’t even had the chance to roll out the highly anticipated iOS 10 in its very first beta from,but a jailbreak tool for it has already been developed.Popular jailbreak enthusiast iH8sn0w developed the iOS 10 jailbreak on his iPhone 5.The best part is that the device appeared to be running Cydia without a hitch.

iOS jailbreak may lead to data loss on iPhone
Good news,now we can jailbreak iOS devices including iPhone 7, iPhone SE,iPhone 6S,iPhone 6,iPhone 5S/5 and more by using jailbreak tools.After jailbreaking on device,we can customize iOS device in every way possible.To be specific,we can install themes to change the look and feel of iPhone/iPad/iPod.However,iOS jailbreak may result in a series of problems like data loss on iOS device.There are some other true stories about data loss caused by iOS jailbreaking.And if we Google “recover data after jailbreak”,we will get about 498,000 results.Although jailbreaking iPhone or iPad will give you the ability to add non-Apple free applications and functions onto the device,it is a risk process.

Restore Lost Photos on iOS 10 jailbroken iPhone

To recover lost photos on iPhone after iOS 10 jailbreak,you can try using iOS 10 Data Recovery.With this iOS data recovery software,you are not only allowed to directly recover lost data from iPhone,but also permited to recover lost data from iTunes backup as well as iCloud backup.The supported recover files insist of photos,videos,text message,WhatsApp attachments,contacts,call history, calendar,notes,safari bookmark and app documents,etc.iPhone,iPad and iPod touch are all applicable to iOS 10 Data Recovery.Next,you can read to learn the detailed steps to restore lost data on iPhone after iOS 10 jailbreak.

d_win d_mac

Part 1:Directly Recover Lost Photos and Videos from iPhone after iOS 10 Jailbreak

Step 1.Connect iPhone to Computer and Scan it
Launch iOS 10 Data Recovery on computer,and connect your iPhone to the computer with a digital cable.Select the “Recover from iOS Device”mode.Then select the file type “Photos” to scan,then click button “Start Scan”.

recover iphone data after ios 10 jailbreak

scan data on iphone

Step 2.Preview and Recover Lost Videos from iPhone
After the scanning,all your data on iPhone or lost from iPhone are found and listed in organized categories.To find your Photos,check “Photos&Videos”,which contains captured pictures and videos.Mark those you want and click the “Recover” button at the bottom to save them all to your computer or device with one click.

recover iphone data after ios 10 jailbreak

recover iPhone data after iOS 10 jailbreak

Note:Besides recovering lost/deleted data on your iPhone,iOS 10 Data Recovery can also export the existing data on iPhone.If you only wanna get back your lost ones,you can refine the scan result by using the button on the middle-top of the window to only display deleted items.

d_win d_mac

Part 2:Recover iPhone Lost Photos and Videos with iTunes Backup after iOS 10 Jailbreak

Step 1.Select the iTunes Backup to Scan
When running the program on your computer,click “Recover from iTunes Backup File”option of it,and you’ll see the window below.Connect iPhone with computer.Just choose the one of iTunes backup for your iPhone and click “Start Scan” to extract the content.

recover iphone data after ios 10 jailbreak

Note:The number of backup files you get here depends on how many Apple devices you’ve synced with iTunes previous.

Step 2.Recover Lost iPhone Photos from iTunes Backup
When the scan is over,the whole backup content are extracted and also displayed.You can check the photos in detail,and click “Recover to computer” on the bottom menu to store it on your computer.

recover iphone data after ios 10 jailbreak

d_win d_mac

Part 3:Recover iPhone Lost Photos and Videos with iCloud Backup after iOS 10 Jailbreak

Step 1.Download and Scan iCloud Backup
Choose “Recover from iCloud Backup File”option after launching the program.Then sign in your Apple ID.You’ll see the program showing all iCloud backup files in your account of a list.Choose the one you want to extract to download it by clicking”Download”tap.

recover iphone data after ios 10 jailbreak

recover iphone data after ios 10 jailbreak

After that,you can directly scan and extract the selected file types from the downloaded backup.
Click”Next” after selecting the file type for scanning.

recover iphone data after ios 10 jailbreak

Note:When you’re doing this,do keep your internet is connected.

Step 2.Recover Lost iPhone Photos from iCloud Backup
When the scanning stops,you can check photos in the categories of “Photos&Videos”.Tick them and click on the “Recover” button to save them on your computer with one click.

recover iphone data from icloud backup

d_win d_mac

To avoid losing your iPhone data,immediate backup is very important and useful.Every time when you update data on iPhone,do remember to backup them first.

Read more:

How to Restore iPhone Lost Data after iOS 10 Jailbreak

How to Restore iPhone Lost Contacts and SMS after iOS 10 Jailbreak

How to Backup and Restore iPhone/iPad Files after iOS 10 Upgrade

How to Restore iPhone Lost Files after iOS 10 Upgrade on Mac